21st July 2013 the AAFA Team and wonderful volunteers from the UK will be travelling to Craiova in Romania to help an incredible NGO called Speranta Pentru Animale to fix up their shelter to make life a little easier for them and more importantly to create a better environment for the hundreds of animals in there care.
On the 20th July two vans will be leaving the UK ahead of our team carrying aid and everything we will need during our stay in Romania and this is where we need your help.
For us to really have an impact we need aid and lots of it. Everything from building materials to Pet supplies.
Below is a list of just some of the things we will need, please help us make this a successful trip more so for the animals whose lives will be made so much better with ours and your help.
Contact us if you can help with aid or are interested in joining us for that week
Thank you
Building/DIY supplies - Everything from Hammers to Scrapers, Nails to Screws, Spades to Shovels and wheel barrows etc
Cleaning - Hibi Scrub, Bleach, Disinfectant, Sponges, Scourers, Yard brooms, Scrubbing brushes etc
Financial donations - Enabling us to purchase wood, Metal posts, Wire Mesh, Roofing materials when we are over there