Florence not being 24 hours in Croatia already has been put to work by her foster NGO - In these photos you can see the aid all the way from the UK being unloaded at NGO Vukovar storage. This will also be shared with another NGO that is desperately in need of help.
Upon entering Croatia Florence dropped off a load of food and lifesaving aid to the dedicated NGO Sapica, then she went on and stopped in Zagreb to deliver Animal rescues NGO Seven of Nine and NGO Dubvovnicks aid that we had collected.
Busy girl our Flo , but doing exactly what we had hoped she would do...SAVING EVEN MORE lIVES with the help of her amazing foster NGO Za šapu! Vukovar
Well done everyone (including Flo) you really have done the furkids and everyone in the UK proud xxxx
A special thank you to AAFA supporters and donators, only by you enabling our charity can we do such amazing things.
Together, we really can make a difference, never forget that !
Upon entering Croatia Florence dropped off a load of food and lifesaving aid to the dedicated NGO Sapica, then she went on and stopped in Zagreb to deliver Animal rescues NGO Seven of Nine and NGO Dubvovnicks aid that we had collected.
Busy girl our Flo , but doing exactly what we had hoped she would do...SAVING EVEN MORE lIVES with the help of her amazing foster NGO Za šapu! Vukovar
Well done everyone (including Flo) you really have done the furkids and everyone in the UK proud xxxx
A special thank you to AAFA supporters and donators, only by you enabling our charity can we do such amazing things.
Together, we really can make a difference, never forget that !